Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers give an instant lift, they tighten the skin and smooth out lines giving a more youthful appearance. Dermal fillers give a subtle and natural enhancement when administered correctly so you don’t have to worry about looking fake or too overdone. Our practitioner will provide an individual assessment prior to the treatment and will give an honest opinion on how to achieve the best results. If you are not certain about your suitability please book in for a consultation or alternatively provide good quality photos as unsuitable bookings might result in partial charges.

We predominately use cannulas for our injectable work instead of needles. A cannula has a round blunt end; it goes around important blood vessels and tissue, pushing them out of the way whereas a needle slices through vessels causing a lot of bruising and swelling. The use of cannula dramatically reduces the risks of complications and adverse events.

Cheek & Buccal Hollow Augmentation 

Cheek filler adds volume and lifts the cheeks. Fuller, higher cheek bones gives a youthful look and adds beautiful shape to the face. This area is often treated as a part of lower face rejuvenation in order to lift the heaviness in the lower face or to make cheeks looking less bony and narrow which is a sign of ageing.
Buccal Hollow Augmentation is when filler is placed just below the cheek bone in the hollows of the face. Often when ageing facial volume decreases especially in this area. A subtle enhancement of filler in the Buccal Hollows gives a plumper, more fresh faced look.

Chin Definition & Jaw Augmentation

Chin filler can really help balance the side profile and shape the face. Many people have an under projected chin, adding filler to the chin brings it forward. Jaw filler can really help define the jaw line and frame the face. Chin filler can be also used to help with an unwanted chin dimple or lip that is excessively turning over the chin. Chin is also often treated as a part jowl improvement or to support downward mouth corners.

Tear Trough 

Under eye filler helps the appearance of tired eyes or dark under eye circles. The under eye area is very delicate and the skin and soft tissue can be very thin; volume in this area can be lost even more so with age. Placing filler here gives a fresher more awake appearance.
A follow up appointment may be needed. As the under eye area is so delicate the administration of too much filler could give a puffy over full look. We always like to have the ability to injection more filler during a second visit once the initial treatment has settled than to over fill the area in one visit.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty 

Filler can be placed along the bridge of the nose to make it appear more aesthetically pleasing. Filler can smooth out a bump or dip on the bridge of the nose and make a flat or low bridged nose appear smaller by lifting the bridge. This treatment is unable to fix noses that are bent to one side.

Marionette Lines

These lines run from the corners of the mouth down to the chin and jaw. Marionette lines can make loose chin/ jowls in the chin area look more pronounced. Placing filler into these lines will smooth and tighten the lower face.

Nasolabial Folds

These are the lines that run from the corners of the nose to the sides of the mouth. Even deep set lines can be supported with filler and offer less creasing in the area and smoother lines.

Lip Filler


Lip filler gives the lips a fuller and plumper look. We practise aesthetics since 2012 and we work to each individual client’s lip size, facial shape and taste. Whether you have smaller lips and would like just a small natural enhancement or you are looking for more dramatic, fuller lips our practitioner will discuss the treatment with you and design your lips to suit you.

Russian lip technique

Do you wish to have bigger, more defined lips without the dreaded “trout pout”. Then look no further… Russian Lip filler is at the forefront of modern aesthetics.
The Russian lip technique creates bigger, fuller lips without having to inject lots of filler into the lips. The lip border is lifted creating the appearance of bigger lips and the cupid’s bow is highly defined. Russian lips are smooth and sleek with an almost flat side profile. So no trout pout here!
Please note that if you currently have lip filler that have not been performed with this technique you might need to have it dissolved first. Feel free to book in for a free consultation or send us photos prior to your booking.


Brazilian Butt Lift- BBL

Injecting the filler into certain areas of the buttocks can alter the overall shape, giving a more desired look to your figure. The hip area which often has dips which we can fill and achieve rounder look. Or we can volumize targeted areas to create more projection. The treatment involves injections and is performed under local anesthesia. It can be spread out over 1-4 sessions giving a fuller appearance of the buttocks. The injections will give an instant result but the product also augments healthier skin by stimulating your body’s natural collagen over 7-8 weeks.

*Treatments are bespoke for every individual and results may vary.


Benefits of Brazilian Butt Lift

· Lifts and sculpts body contours for an hourglass figure.

· Increases the size and roundness of the buttocks.

· Boost in confidence.

· Corrects the folds present on the buttocks after losing weight.

· Can create firmness in saggy skin

Premium volumetry packages


(Includes eyes, lips and all facial areas)



6ml of hyaluronic acid.

Ideally for young women who want to gently sculpt their face and emphasize facial features.




9ml of hyaluronic acid.

Suitable for young women who want stronger facial features and for women over 40 who want help with the signs of aging or pre-jowls. Also great for men who want to gently give their face a more masculine look.




12ml of hyaluronic acid.

Suitable for those who want a big change. Young ladies who want highly defined facial features. And for women over 50 who want to replace the volume loss and significantly improve their lower face jowls. Also ideal for men who want to a more masculine look with strong bone structure. We also add a treatment of mesotherapy microneedling worth £335.


Have you got a question? Are you interested in a treatment?

Contact Forever Clinic Cheltenham today for more info or a consultation.

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